Wednesday 13 November 2013

Concept - ideas

My Ideas-Street Photography

1.  Mystery- Most photo journalistic photos will have a story or meaning behind them, even if they weren't intended when the photo was first taken. However, different people will have their own opinion on a photo and will have different ideas about the story behind the image. When you see a photo you immediately ask yourself, 'What is it? What's happening? Who are they?' etc. I've decided to choose mystery as one of my possible themes as it gives me a wide opportunity of photographs to be taken and I can express my opinions of a story. An artist that can influence me in this theme is Diane Arbus as she focused mainly o people and what they were doing, she didn't ask them to pose, she just took images of them doing their everyday thing.

2. Themes- Some photojournalists give themselves a theme when photographing so that they're not just taking pictures of anything random. For example themes could be; Nature, old people/young people, adventure or loneliness.  Once they have a theme, they can then expand upon it (think out of the box) and take images that they think show that theme. Also, when using a theme you can also think about compositions and framing techniques to make the image look more interesting. For example; rule of thirds, reflections and symmetry. An artist that can influence me in this idea is Sebastiao Salgado as he always gave himself a theme when taking pictures including; hard manual labour, other Americans and Genesis.

3. Places- I could give myself a certain place to take my photographs or take photo's related to a certain place. I could then expand upon this and take photos all around this place instead of just one area of it. For example, around a park or beach. Again, I would need to incorporate  different compositional and framing techniques to make the images look more interesting. To take it to the next step, I could also include a subject within that place, such as people or animals. An artist that can influence me in this idea would be Henri Cartier-Bresson as we focused of showing people in different places (such as the children playing at the Berlin Wall and Children spiraling up some staircases). He also used the geometry of the buildings to make the images look more interesting.         

I have decided to choose mystery as my final idea because it allows me to be creative with what I can find on the streets. Everywhere you look someone will be doing something, but what exactly?  And if I take a creative image that has a clear mystery story behind it, then people will start to give their opinions on what they think is happening in the image. Another Artist who has influenced me is Trent Parke because most of his images tend to include one person, whether they're just stood on the corner or crossing the road, this shows mystery because we ask why they are alone, what they're doing or where they're going.                                             

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