Sunday 15 September 2013

A day in the life of college

This photo was taken outside the college and it was quite a bright day, so I had to adjust the aperture settings on the camera to control the amount of light entering the lens of the camera. I set it quite small, as i didn't want too much light to enter, otherwise the image would have come out very bright and you wouldn't have been able to see the detail of the building. I also adjusted the shutter speed and ISO of the camera so that the overall white balance of the image was fine and crisp. I set it to a low ISO, around 200, as it was quite a bright day. I set the shutter speed high, around 1/150 to reduce the risk of camera shake leading to a blured image. I like this photo as it enables you to see unique architecture of the college. To improve, I could have stood at a different angle to get more of the college in the shot because in this phtot a car is obstructing some of the building.

My next image was again taken outside of the college, so i had to adjudt the apperture, and shutter speed to get the correct white balance. For this image the aperture settings didn't have to be as small as the previous image because there wasn't as much light relecting off, as there was on the building. I set the shutter speed high again to reduce the risk of camera shake as i wanted the writing of the sign to be clear and crisp. The ISO also stayed around the same as the previous image. I like this image as the main focus is the York College sign, although it is simple on the deep orange wall, the image looks effective as the trees in the background are slightly blured, leaving the main focus on the text. To improve, i gain could have tried the camera at different angles but also could have set different focus points.

For this image, i tried to get the main focus point on the railings, leaving the background blury to make it look more creative. In the background we can see one of the college libraries and this links in well with the theme of this task. Now iIwas indoors, I again adjusted the aperture, shutter speed and ISO to get the correct white balance to ensure the final image wasn't too dark or light. I set the ISO higher, at around 400 as it was slightly dark on the top floor of college. Looking at the final image now, I can see that it is quite blury, however on the camera it didnt look so bad. This teaches me that when focusing on one object I need to get the focus really crisp so that the overall image isn't blury when uploaded to a computer. To improve ,iIcould have attempted a few more shots focusing on different areas around the college to get the background blury and the main item upfront in focus.

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